Belief begins where hope ends and it turns your dreams into realities. Our shared belief(s) as a school community is a threat that binds us all together. It is the primary driving force that provides meaning and direction to all our individual and collective efforts. Belief opens up possibilities and boosts confidence which empowers you to achieve more in life. This spirit and essence are ably reflected in our school motto 'Fides Vitam Excitat'. Through the everyday choices and actions, the school has brought this motto to life.


  • Vision grounded on a child-centric approach to education in the early years.
  • Encourages the child to achieve developmental milestones and become independent through honing fine motor skills and gross motor skills.
  • Concept-based teaching methodology stimulates the growth of reasoning and thinking skills.
  • Promotes self-esteem and confidence by enabling the growth of their social skills and communication skills through the introduction of concepts in manners, etiquettes, personal hygiene and self-management skills.
  • Cultivates and nurtures the latent potential and talent in the girls to help them develop a strong sense of identity and self-worth.
  • Fosters a strong moral and ethical compass in the child.
  • Offers a safe and welcoming environment, both indoors and outdoors, where the child can freely explore experiment and learn.
  • Provides a rich and stimulating collection of learning resources including picture books, play devices, smart classes and e-resources that aid the learning process.
  • Emphasis on sports and physical education for stronger mental and physical fitness and agility.
  • Partners with the parent community and other stakeholders and directly involves them through regular parent-teacher conferences and other platforms.